
Association Historical Hyperbaric Chamber Laboratory University Hospital Zurich (DKL-USZ) [Historisches Druckkammerlabor Universitätsspital Zürich (DKL-USZ)]

Article 1 Name and purpose of the association


Under the name of the association "Historical Pressure Chamber Laboratory University Hospital of Zurich (DKL-USZ)" exists an association pursuant to Art. 60 ff. of the Swiss Civil Code, headquartered in Horgen / Switzerland



The association aims to maintain the historical hyperbaric chamber laboratory at the University Hospital Zurich in its substance, operational or as a museum at the current location or at any other suitable site. However, if the structure cannot be maintained, the association aims to provide the best possible documentation of the history and technique of the hyperbaric chamber system, e.g. as a virtual 3-D model.



The association also aims to build up national and international networks with other associations, groups of interest and private individuals, provided that these can serve the purpose of the association.




The association is both politically and denominational neutral and pursues no profit.


Article 2 Finances


For all liabilities only the association's assets are liable. Personal liability of the individual members is excluded.



At the beginning of each year, the members of the association pay a membership fee, which is decided upon in advance by the General Assembly, but at least in the amount of CHF 20 .- per year. Higher contributions are always welcome and may be paid voluntarily. 



Contributions from patrons must be 100% dedicated to the projects supported by the association. Patrons with contributions of more than CHF 200 .-- per year, who do not want to be members of the association at the same time, will be published on the website of the association at their request. 


Article 3 Membership


Any natural or legal person who has declared in writing the will to become a member of the association and to pay the annual membership fee can become a member of the association. Acceptance is granted by the Executive Board.



Withdrawals from members can be made at any time. They will be discussed on the occasion of the subsequent meeting of the Executive Board. Until this Board meeting, the resigned member is considered a member of the association. Up to this point, there is an obligation to pay any annual fee to be determined by the General Assembly. However, the Board may, at its discretion, grant the membership fee to a a member of the association if the member concerned has declared his/her resignation during the first half of the fiscal year in writing.



The exclusion of a member can be pronounced by the Executive Board if this member has been found guilty of a dishonorable behavior or of having damaged the reputation and interests of the association. The decision will be made after a hearing of the member concerned and will be communicated in writing. A recourse option does not exist.


Article 4 The organs of the association


The organs of the association are: 


The General Assembly



The Executive Board



The Auditors


Article 5 The General Assembly


The association’s General Assembly is the supreme organ of the association and carries out all business activities, which are transferred according to the statutes.



The ordinary General Assembly takes place every year after the end of the association year within the first six months of the running year.



Extraordinary General Assemblies can be convened by the Executive Board at any time. The convocation of such must also take place if at least 10 members request this in writing, stating the reasons by registered letter to the association's board.



At the association’s General Assembly, all members of the association are entitled to vote with one vote each. 



 The invitation and the agenda must be sent to the members at least 14 days before the assembly (at the request of a member also by e-mail). Applications from members must be submitted to the Executive Board by registered letter at least 7 days before the assembly.



The General Assembly will be chaired by the incumbent president until the end.



The General Assembly is responsible for the following transactions:


a) Approval of the minutes of the last general assembly 

b) Acceptance and approval of the annual reports of the association’s Board and of any commissions 

c) Receipt and approval of the annual accounts 

d) Discharge to the Board of the association 

e) Determination of the membership fees 

f) Election of the members of the association’s Executive Board and the statutory auditors 

g) Determination of the President 

h) Resolution on changes to the statutes of Association 

i) Resolution on motions of the members 

j) Resolution on the dissolution of the Association



Each duly convened assembly is quorate. All votes and elections are open. Secret ballots only take place if requested by the majority of the members present.



For all elections and votes, the simple majority of the votes cast applies. In case of a tie, the president has the casting vote. 



Changes to the statutes may be adopted if the majority of the members present agrees. If the purpose is to be changed, then a majority of 2/3 of the members present must agree. Requests for changes of the statutes are to be sent by the Board together with the invitation to the General Assembly.


Article 6 The Executive Board


The Executive Board consists of members of the association or, if the member is a legal entity, representatives (delegates) of this member. The Executive Board consists of at least 3 members. The tasks and the signing authority of the Board are distributed internally to the individual members of the Board. The appointment of the members of the Board for the first 3 years of the association falls within the competence of the founders. Additions to the Board are already possible during the first 3 years of the association. 



The members of the Executive Board are generally elected for a term of three years. The newly elected board members have to declare the acceptance of their election orally or in writing. The board members execute their activities purely on a voluntary basis. Reported, necessary expenses such as postage, copies and telephone costs are replaced. The reimbursement for further expenses must otherwise be approved in advance by the association's Executive Board.



The competence of the Executive Board includes all transactions that are not transferred to another organ in accordance with the statutes of the association. The Board ensures the implementation of the association's resolutions and the compliance with the aims of the association. The Board can set up commissions, including non-board members and non-association members. In particular, the competence of the Executive Board is the decision-making authority, which specifies projects that are to be supported with what amounts. All association members are free to make suggestions to the Board at any time.



The Board meets at the invitation of the President or, if this one is unable to attend, at the invitation of the Vice-President. The Board has a quorum if at least half of the members are present. The decisions of the board can also be made by circularly decision. In case of a tie, the chairman has the casting vote. 



With the exception of the President, members of the Executive Board leaving during the term of office may be replaced by the Executive Board itself.


Article 7 The Auditors


The auditors are elected at the request of the association's board by the association's General Assembly. As a rule, the auditors are two natural persons who are members of the association.



The auditors do their work on a voluntary basis. The members of the statutory auditors are considered to have been elected if they have declared acceptance of their election either orally or in writing to their voting General Assembly.



The auditors report in writing to the General Assembly about the result of their audit and recommend acceptance, with or without restriction, or rejection of the annual financial statements. The report names the persons who directed the revision. Without presentation of such a report, the General Assembly cannot pass a resolution on the annual accounts.


Article 8 General provisions


The association fiscal year starts on the 1st of January and ends on the 31 of December. For the first time on 31 December 2016.


5. September 2016